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Is the Water You Drink Dead or Alive?

Is the Water You Drink Dead or Alive?

Is the water you drink dead or alive?

With water accounting for nearly two-thirds of the average adult’s bodyweight, it’s no question that adequate hydration is one of the most important factors for vitality. There is research and debate about the necessary daily quantity of water needed for optimal health, but very little is talked of the quality of the water we consume for our overall health.

You’re probably wondering: water is water, right? Unfortunately, no. The truth is that not all water is created equal, and most of us are drinking dead water.


The Emergence of 'Dead Water' 

It’s true that all water used to be alive­– structured by the sun, charged by earth’s magnetic field, filled with essential minerals, trace minerals, and energy. Somewhere along the way, however, we contaminated every source of fresh water. Clean drinking water has now become an issue that threatens everyone­– yes, even you.

In fact, research done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that eighty-five percent of the US population’s drinking water contained 316 contaminants (1). Yikes! With millions of new chemicals created each year (2), the amount of those chemicals leaching into our water supply is sure to exponentially rise.

The rising contamination problem lead to the introduction of strict laws during the twentieth century. Water purification and filtration became a necessary enforcement, but it also came with a cost.

Today, public drinking water is filtered and then treated with chlorine, chloramine, or chlorine dioxide (3) to disinfect the water. While harmful microbes, bacteria, and (some) chemicals are removed during this process, so are important nutrients and minerals. This makes the water “safe” to drink, but it also strips the water of all its nutrients and energy as well.

After the filtration and purification process, storage, and then the miles of metal pipes travelled, by the time your water gets to your faucet it is void of any health-giving properties. 

If we are drinking dead water, then what is living water? 


The Fourth Phase of Water

Thanks to pioneers such as Viktor Schauberger and Gerald Pollack, we now know that there is a fourth phase of water beyond solid, liquid, and gas which is called exclusion zone (EZ) water because it excludes solutes. 

EZ water, also referred to as structured water, or living water, is the water found in all living organisms, in nature, and it is produced by our cells (4). EZ water can also be made by light (mostly infrared), magnets, oxygen, and a vortex.


EZ water has a few defining characteristics that set it apart from bulk water, one of which being that it is more alkaline, meaning it has a higher pH, than bulk water (5). Alkaline water's higher oxygen content and pH helps neutralize acidity in the body caused by diet, stress, and environmental toxins (6).

It is well documented that many diseases including most cancers are due to a lack of oxygen and acidic pH in the body.


Another important distinction between EZ water and bulk water is the size of the molecule clusters and their structure. We know that water has a molecular structure of H2O, but EZ water has a molecular structure of H3O2, giving it the name 'structured water.'

While tap water forms in clusters of up to twelve molecules and form random shapes as they freeze, structured water forms clusters of five to six molecules and beautiful, hexagonal crystals are formed when they freeze (7) (6).

EZ water's structure makes it more viscous than 'unhealthy' water. Water with this structure can hold minerals, nutrients, and energy more effectively. 


An interesting phenomenon happens when water becomes structured by light, magnets, and a vortex: it develops a negative charge. This means that EZ water essentially turns into a battery, carrying and transferring energy to surrounding molecules (and cells) (8).

When structured water is drunk, it delivers a boost of energy and oxygen to your cells, which helps strengthen your mitochondria and stimulates energy production. 


Structured Water– the 'EZ' Way to Better Health? 

You probably know that our cells are filled with water, but did you know that the water in our cells is EZ water? EZ water is not just a trending health fad, it is an essential nutrient that our bodies need for energy production. 

After drinking EZ water, many report increased energy, improved hydration, improved sleep quality, and overall improved wellbeing. Drinking EZ water has many health benefits including (6) (4) (5:

  • increased cellular energy production (when our cells are functioning better, our whole body is functioning better)
  • relief of acute and chronic pain
  • improved immunity
  • increased mitochondrial function 
  • increased hydration
  • improved detoxification
  • remineralization of the body (minerals are essential for all bodily processes and they help carry energy throughout our body)
  • reduced inflammation 
  • increased cellular/tissue oxygenation 
  • improved brain function



A healthy body is only as healthy as the cells within it. Considering the fact that our cells are made of mostly water, we can conclude that hydration plays a big role in the function of our cells. But, as we have learned, the quality of the water we hydrate with is just as, if not more, important than the quantity. 

Tap water, even filtered, can be filled with heavy metals, chemicals, and xenoestrogens, doing more harm than good when drunk. Healthy, structured water has life-giving properties and delivers essential oxygen, minerals, and energy to our cells. 

With increasingly more research coming forth, EZ water is becoming a hot topic of conversation in the alternative health community, and it is delivering promising results. Who knows, maybe EZ water will become the next 'wonder drug.' 


Soma Resonance Water

At Soma, we believe that the water we drink is just as important for our health as the food we eat. 

Our Resonance Water is charged with magnets, a vortex, ozone-oxygen, and light, making it a great source of EZ water.